Thursday, February 21, 2013


We have been discussing the character trait "respect" over the past 2 weeks. As a journal writing activity today, the students responded to the following question.  Check out their answers:

Names hurt your feelings and make people sad. 

Names do hurt people. They can affect your heart. Bad names are not nice and you should never use them.

You can call someone a name and they can get their feelings hurt.

I think that’s a lie! Words that aren’t nice do hurt.

Words can stick with you forever.

Name calling can hurt your feelings inside. 

Sticks and stones can hurt you, but your feelings can get hurt by names and words.

If people say ‘shut up’ or ‘you’re a jerk’ it does hurt.

Hearing people say unkind words and names can put you in a bad mood.

Sticks and stones can hurt you in a physical way. Names can hurt your heart.

You should never call people names – treat people the way you want to be treated.

Names do hurt. They are like poison or someone losing an arm. Some people will just try to ignore it but you can only ignore so much.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Sticks and stones can break your bones but names can hurt even more. 

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